
・ What is Magic?

  The magic in BAR GIKOPOI is similar to that you'd find in an RPG.
  To preform the so-called "magic spell", simply input them in the text field, as you see here.
  (1) Enter command into text field.
  (2) Hit SEND.

・ Types of Magic Spells

Command (JP)Command (US)EffectMP Cost
#ルーラ#rulaAllows you to warp around the site (Sometimes this spell will fail)7
#リスト#listDisplays the list of areas and current amount of members in each.3
#イベント#eventShows the event information. 1
#ツイート#tweetTweets on twitter 1
#ムーブ#moveShows the move panel for smartphone. 1

・ On a side note...

  ・You can't use MP if your MP count is lower than the MP cost.

  ・Enter the command only. It's not going to work if you enter a message AND then the command. Only the command. Like so:

    ○ #ルーラ
    × I'll be going to the DAMA shrine today. #rula
